Service Design Thinking - UX Case Study


Project Overview

Create an online platform that allows users to book a trip for travel purposes and with any budget. Additionally, add multiple start dates for the same tour to create a full tour. Map of locations.

Customer can explore all tours, write reviews about their trip and book tours. Payments can be made with Stripe on the platform.

The Business Goals

Build a complete user experience that makes it easy for travel enthusiasts to book tours online.

The Problem

Travels wants to increase its sales. They want an online platform for existing and new customers to view and book tours online through the travel app. The company wants to offer new travel experiences in remote locations instead of city trips.

Human-Centered Design

Human-centered design is critical to connecting user goals with business goals. It plays an important role in assessing user empathy, their need and flexibility while they use the platform. Website should be designed according to human perspective and psychological behavior.

The Process
User Interviews

To understand real problems and pain points, we started with user interviews. A total of 10 user participated./p>

Empathy Map

To continue to deeper empathize with my user I created this empathy map. This allowed me to organize thoughts and feelings of what was going on with my users. It was a step towards finding a creative solution for this issue.


Problem Statement

Customers (people who like travellers or others) need complete information about the hotel room they want to book and can also book the hotel room in advance and can order online or practically and the hotel provider needs income to continue to maintain its business so that it can continue to run. and the hotel can be known by the wider communityā€¯.


User Personas


Mission Statement

Design and develop a complete front-end and back-end travel booking platform that provides a convenient experience for viewing and booking tours online. Must be able to provide clear steps in booking, proper error handling and convenient checkout process.


User Flow



Intractive design


Working on any project has a lot of external pressures and internal emotions to justify the work alone. I tried my best not to distort the project with my personal opinion, reinvent the wheel and focus more on data than emotion.

I cannot deny the fact that hundreds of competitors are actively working on improving their product.

This program has allowed me to challenge my mental strength, allowing me to create a fine balance between solving a complex problem, not panicking at failure, and being satisfied with the output when conforming (and iterating) to the input.

Finally, I would like to say that I really enjoyed the project. Although I feel there is still room for improvement, I am happy with the result. I will take all the lessons learned from this program to the next one.